domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011


Hola. My name is Cedric Dageville and I am spending a year abroad in Piura, Peru with AFS.  I arrived in Lima on the 9th of September around 6am.  From there we took a 3 hour drive to a hotel on the outskirts of Lima for our in country orientation.  There were around sixty other students who are going to study in Peru, around forty of them were from Belgium!  I spent two days (one night) at the hotel, spending the two most culturally diverse days of my life.  Everywhere I turned a different language was being spoken ie. Flemish, Icelandic, German, Italian, etc.  Tambien, these past days in Peru have helped me change my eating habits compared to my American ones, in other words I actually eat vegetables now.  On the second day around 4 o'clock everyone said their goodbyes and began embarking buses to their host cities. Eight students (including myself) were going to Piura, a 15 hr bus ride :(
The bus ended up not being to bad and our group arrived in Piura at 8am this morning.  Gabo (hermano) and Alejandra (hermana) were at the bus station to pick me up.  We went to the apartment where I began unpacking, although to my surprise, before I had finished a house maid (Charro) appeared and did everything for me.  After taking a nice cold shower (no hot water anywhere) we went to a restaurant where there was a family party put on by my little sisters school.  There we had lunch, and talked over a few cervecas as the children played.  We returned a while after por la siesta :)  We then ate dinner, a thick thick corn stew with a deep purple color, it was extremely filling.  After watching a movie I am writing this blog in preperation for sleep.  I begin school in five day and am already in love with Peru.  Adios todos.

11 comentarios:

  1. miss ya too ;( but its all bueno, dont worry

  2. Il est super ton blog! Saw the pics on FB. When you have time post them there too. Love you. Have fun.

  3. Ced, excellent ton blog ! Tu as l'air heureux, ça fait plaisir de te lire ! Déjà quelques mots en espagnol se glissent par ci par là, c'est top ! Merci +++ Plein plein de tendres bisous

  4. Super d'avoir de tes nouvelles Ced ! Éclate toi bien ! Moi aussi je t'aime !
    Bisous forts

  5. Salut Cedric,
    Content de voir se blog... Super expérience pour toi. Finalement, c'est cool un blog quand on est intéressé ;)....
    Continue d'écrire, je suivrais tes aventures :)
    Bises de France

  6. hello moustique !!!!!

    changement de vie pour un an comme COLINE

    a good expérience for you !!
    good luck and good spanish learning for you

    les vandenbroucke pensent bien fort à toi
    continue à nous tenir informer de tes exploits
    michel et virginie


  7. Héhé ça a l'air bien chouette tout ça.
    (J'aime bien les tee shirts aussi !)

    Des bisous !

  8. ouah merci bien tous le monde ca me fais bien chaud au couer de voir que tou le monde pense a moi :) ca fais beacoup trops logntemp que quelqun ma appeler moustique... merci a tous je pense tres forts a vous.. j'ecrit dans deux jour. ciao todos, gros bis

  9. CEEEEED ça a l'air trop cool :) Enjoyy !!

  10. J'adore ton blog top d'avoir de tes nouvelles
    bisous et profite ;)
