martes, 16 de julio de 2013

First Days Back in Paradise

Hello everybody I'm back with some storytelling from my favorite country: Peru. On the plane ride over I was treated with a spectacular show of power in the night sky. An enormous thunderstorm hit as we were flying over Mexico and the clouds were painted with white and orange explosions of light. Although beautiful, staring out the window kept me from sleeping throughout the night. I arrived in Lima around 7am and was greeted by my older brother Gabriel at the airport exit.
We wanted to leave directly to my hometown of Piura ( a 15hr bus ride) but all the busses were scheduled to leave around 7pm. So my brother and I walked around until we found a nice hotel room where I could grab some sleep and shower up before our tremendous journey up north. Around 8 oclock that night (after a huge chicken dinner) my brother and I boarded a Flores bus and started what would be a slooooooooow drive up to Piura. After multiple movies (one of them being Les Intouchables, a wonderful french flick) and hours of sleep, we finally exited the bus around 11am in Piura. At this point I was bubbling with excitement at the idea of seeing my little sister and brother. A few hours later as I was napping after a hearty Peruvian lunch and was awoken by the delighted screeches of my little sister Alejandra Libertad.
 :) I was soooo happy to see her, and we spent the next hours playing all our old games and running around the house together. After a while it came time to pick up my little brother, Albert, from school. At first he walked slowly through the courtyard of his school but upon catching sight of my face amongst all the other parents, he dropped his backpack and broke into a sprint before throwing himself into my arms. Had I not been in a school around a bunch of people I woulda started crying like a baby, I was soooo pumped to see him.
I walked him back home and was greeted by my mother Julia who had just returned from work. Now I was officially reunited with my whole family from last year (besides my sister Patty who is in the south, I will visit her later this month). That night I took my brother to see Pacific Rim in 3d. WARNING if you dont like shaky movies where you feel like puking the whole time I would not recommend this roller-coaster of a movie. We went home satisfied with our choice and slept till this morning when we were awoken by the chaos of kids getting ready for school. Today was a relax day in which I took care of certain things : money from the bank and buying some things at the market. Id forgotten how much I love the vibe of the huge open-air markets where everything is disorganized. Hehe sorry for the novel of an entry but Im having a great time! Till next time, ciao y adios! Oh we also now have a dog Lucho that looks like a walking rug----

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